El Centro de Aprendizaje(Cda) is the Mexican non-profit that runs the tutoring and mentoring program that is known in English as The Oaxaca Learning Center (TOLC). Information in Spanish about the program is found at their website: iiacaprendizaje.org
The mission of The Oaxaca Learning Center (known in Spanish as Centro de Aprendizaje (Cda)) is to provide underserved Oaxacan youth with the confidence, skills, and tools to envision a new future and realize their dreams. Because of widespread poverty in the state of Oaxaca, many young people are unable to complete high school or continue to higher education. The Oaxaca Learning Center helps low-income students, ages 14 to 24, to succeed academically and to gain confidence to develop and meet their personal goals.
At The Oaxaca Learning Center, students receive academic tutoring in math, physics, chemistry, and English, mentoring, and personal support within a holistic learning community. Staff and tutors are from the same background as the students. Many are graduates of the Center and serve as inspiring role models. The objective of the program is to develop skill, self-confidence, and leadership in the students. (see in the "About" section).
Friends of The Oaxaca Learning Center
Mission: To raise funds and secure support for The Oaxaca Learning Center.
Vision: The underserved youth of Oaxaca are prepared to succeed socially and academically as adults.
Current Staff & Oaxacan Volunteers for TOLC
20th Anniversary Gala
Open House
Construction of a new second floor expansions and remodeling of TOLC’s facility on Calle Murguía began in early 2023 and is progressing with a completion date that we hope will be this December. To see our architect explain the project in the blog section. click here
New initiatives at the Oaxaca Learning Center enhance the educational and vocational experience for students. click here
Since 2005, The Learning Center has:
Served 3,831 students.
Provided 81,644 tutoring hours.
Offered students 5,176 hours in workshops and non-academic training.
Identified as “One of the best youth programs in Mexico” by the Mexican Government.
Student test scores show an average of 30%-40% improvement after participation in the program.
Over 83% of the Center’s students pass their academic entrance exams on the first try. (The average pass rate is 37% for the State of Oaxaca).
End-of-Year Gathering
Students and TOLC’s Staff at their mensual activity.
From selfhood to collectivity.
Concert Program
Plans are underway for an exciting array of music concerts this Fall and Winter. Contact info@tolc.org.mx to make sure you're on the mailing list.
And watch our latest video!
In the US 92% of people over 25 have finished high school.
Do you know what the figure is in Oaxaca?
Find out in our latest video, A New Future, and hear from graduates of the Oaxaca Learning Center how they have changed their lives.
Visit the Center
Hear firsthand about the Center's work. We love visitors, but advance booking is essential.
If you'd like to visit, please email info@tolc.org.mx or call to make an appointment (951).515.0122. Outside Mexico, just put +52 in front of the number.
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